Page 61 - Berita Sunway Issue 79
P. 61

Nurturing leadership potential
       JCF also o ers scholarships such as the JCF Community              Beyond the greens in the backyard vegetable garden of SMK
       Scholarship speci cally for youths from children welfare   DID YOU  Bandar Sunway, the Sunway SILK (Seeding Inspiration and
       homes, NGOs or underprivileged communities, so that they           Leadership via Knowledge) programme also hopes to nurture
       could pursue their tertiary education at Sunway College or   KNOW?  self-con dence, leadership and entrepreneurship skills among
       Sunway University.                                                 the students.
                                                      Sunway Group
       Other JCF scholarships and grants such as the Je rey Cheah          e Sunway SILK urban farming initiative was introduced
       Travel Grants for Southeast Asia Studies at Harvard, sponsor   founder and   in 2019 in partnership with strategic NGO partner Selangor
       scholars and practitioners on Southeast Asia studies from   chairman Tan Sri   Youth Community (SAY), to equip academically low-performing
       Sunway Education Group to travel to Harvard University  Sir Dr. Jeffrey   students with necessary skills to explore agriculture as
       to present lectures and conduct research.      Cheah KBE AO        a sustainable career option.
                                                      hopes to disburse
        is o ers Malaysians the opportunity to learn from the   several billion   In 2022, Sunway SILK set up hydroponic farming at four
       brightest minds at one of the world’s pre-eminent universities,   Ringgit worth of   welfare homes around Selangor and Kuala Lumpur, yielding
       as well as strengthens Malaysia as a centre for educational and   scholarships and   84 kilogrammes of vegetables for 210 bene ciaries. Ten more
       research excellence in the study of Southeast Asia.  grants to deserving   welfare homes participated in Sunway SILK in 2023.
                                                      students in his
       Fostering entrepreneurship and                 lifetime.           Mentorship is a key aspect of the Sunway SILK programme,
       financial independence                                             which sees Sunway volunteers making a di erence by actively
       When it comes to pursuing education and eventual employment,       spending time together with the students and youths, and
       individuals with learning disabilities often face many closed      being positive role models to them.
       doors as they  nd it di cult to read, write, memorise or stay
       focused in class.                                                  Sunway SILK volunteer and Sunway XFarms chief operating
                                                                          o cer Eleanor Choong said that the mentorship aspect of the
       Being learning disabled also means being unable to understand      programme was as important as learning technical farming skills.
       social cues, and thus face di culty maintaining friendships,
       relationships and employment.                                      “It was also important for us to instil values and characteristics
                                                                          such as perseverance, kindness, humility, courage and curiosity
       Recognising the challenges of the learning disabled, since   Sunway has always  in the students.  rough the programme, these students from
       2006, Sunway has been collaborating with the Association of   believed that  B40 communities who did not do so well in class were taught
       Learning Disabilities District of Petaling, Selangor (GOLD)   corporations  that they can create their own non-stereotyped future with
       and SMK Bandar Sunway to organise the Sunway Job   exist not merely  the right attitude, discipline and commitment,” said Choong.
       Training Programme annually.
                                                          for profits     As group leader of the Sunway SILK 2019 cohort, SMK
       SMK Bandar Sunway is one of the seven schools adopted by JCF.  but for the good  Bandar Sunway alumnus Muhammad Azhar bin Sazali oversaw
 Sunway helps level   Endorsed by the Malaysian Education Performance and   of society  the management of vegetable garden beds and students under
                                                                          his care, as well as ensuring the garden’s cleanliness and safety.
 the playing field  Delivery Unit (PADU), the programme provides hands-on
 for Malaysian  prevocational and life skills training, simulating working   “I’m now more con dent in myself.  e programme involved
                                                                          us interacting with others and doing presentations. Our mentors
 youths to attain   habits with mentoring from the job coaches within Sunway   have inspired us to develop ourselves in whatever  elds we are
       business divisions.
 success by offering   Life can be challenging for many of us, but more so for  Easing the pathway to higher education   interested in,” said Azhar.
 opportunities to   those who have been dealt a bad hand very early on in life –   Over the past decade, the Sunway-Oxbridge Essay Competition  Under the programme, GOLD trainees work in areas such
       as baking and pastry arts, o ce and general housekeeping,
 pursue learning,  poverty, a learning disability and the lack of positive role   – Malaysia’s longest running and most coveted national-level   culinary kitchen operations, and ticketing at Sunway Medical
 models or educational opportunities – the journey can
 to build leadership,   be demanding.   English essay competition – has challenged national secondary   Centre, Sunway Pyramid, Sunway University, Sunway
 school students across Malaysia to write essays detailing their
 as well as to provide   Sometimes, the pivotal factor that can enable someone to   ideas and aspirations for a better Malaysia.  Lagoon and Sunway Resort Hotel.
 financial help   break through these challenging circumstances and reach   As of 2023, 286 young adults have graduated from the
 through bursaries   their potential is a helping hand – a gesture of support that   Organised by Sunway Group, the Oxford & Cambridge   Sunway Job Training Programme into open employment.
 Society Malaysia, the Je rey Cheah Foundation (JCF), and
 and scholarships  o ers them a shot at success.  Sunway University, with support from Sunway Super App,   One such graduate is Angie Lim, who is currently the trade
 Celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2024, Sunway has always   the annual competition provides a platform for youths to   kitchen supervisor and head baker of GOLD.
 believed that corporations exist not merely for pro ts but for   showcase their critical thinking and pro ciency of the
 English language to critically dissect current a airs.
 the good of society. Driven by the aspiration of sustainable   Once timid and lacking in self-con dence when she  rst
 development, Sunway remains steadfast in its commitment  joined GOLD in 2011, Lim now oversees the production
 to ensuring that no one is left behind in the race of life.   Besides addressing the challenges of learning English in the   of cookies sold by GOLD – the social enterprise’s primary
 national school curriculum and to improve English-speaking   source of income.
 pro ciency, the competition also provides a  nancial boost
 Be it in education, healthcare or community enrichment,   for students to further their education at Sunway.
 Sunway’s CSR initiatives under the #SunwayforGood banner   “With the skills I learnt, I am now able to work independently
 help alleviate the hardships faced by Malaysian youths,  with minimal supervision at GOLD. I enjoy being able to go
 by providing them golden tickets to success – valuable   In 2023, a total of RM200,000 worth of bursaries and   to work like my siblings, baking cookies that are needed by
 opportunities through education and entrepreneurship.  RM28,000 in cash prizes were awarded to the top 26 winners.   others and spending time with my friends who work with me,”
       said Lim.
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