Page 59 - Berita Sunway Issue 79
P. 59

Puan Juairiah
 Apshy Vimal              Co-founder, Generating Opportunities
                          for Learning Disabled (GOLD);
 Project lead,            former senior assistant of the special
 The Book Effect, Friends to Mankind  needs class, SMK Bandar Sunway

 Bringing the wonder of literature to all     Inclusive entrepreneurship:
       Unlocking opportunities for all                                                       Puan Nordina
 Working with Sunway has given us the foundation to bring
 our project to a scale we never thought possible.   Sunway has been supporting GOLD to execute GOLD’s   Haron
       mission and vision via training, that is to provide vocational
 YB Dato’ Hj. Mohd Rashidi  Our goal has always been to help those who need it the most,   rehabilitation to empower young adults with special needs   CEO,
                                                                                             Yayasan Kebajikan Negara (YKN)
       into a sustainable social enterprise.
 but due to  nancial constraints, our project of building
 bin  Hj Mohd Nor  libraries was initially limited to the Klang Valley.
       Skills were taught at respective Sunway business divisions.        Uplifting the welfare of the nation
 Deputy chairman,  With Sunway's support, we have been able to bring the joy of   As of 2023, 286 young adults with special needs are now   Since 2007, YKN’s partnership with Sunway has positively
 National Committee for Community   reading to all, going to more rural parts of Malaysia to provide   working in open employment. Besides receiving the Social
 Services, Malaysian Red Crescent                                         impacted the welfare and development of Malaysians, especially
 Society (MRCS)  children with access to books.   Enterprise Accreditation by the Ministry of Entrepreneur and   the well-being of women, families and children.  is is in line
       Cooperatives Development, GOLD has been recognised by              with YKN’s mission to foster strategic partnerships with various
 It may be a small contribution in the grand scheme of things,   numerous awards, such as the Prime Minister’s Award for Best   stakeholders in our e orts to generate  nancial aid and
 An ever-ready helping hand in times of crises   but reading is a powerful tool in providing insights for life;   Volunteers Initiative from 1Malaysia for Youth (1M4U)   community services to raise the living standards of the
 We have worked with Sunway for many years now and it has   hopefully, the children will be able to gain something from that.  programme and the Amplify Award from Malaysian Global   underprivileged community through welfare services,
 indeed given a positive impact to the many programmes that   Innovation & Creativity Centre (MaGIC).  healthcare and education.
 we do with Sunway's support.   One of the best library-building endeavours was building
 libraries in the rural kampung of Pahang.  e schools there   Among the signi cant projects are the Job Training programme   Anjung Kasih YKN is an initiative under the Ministry of
 We have been able to reach out to the needy and vulnerable   mainly cater to Orang Asli children but sadly, most do not   under Sunway University’s School of Hospitality and Service   Women, Family and Community Development that provides
 during times of crises in delivering grocery boxes and hygiene   have books or a space for the children to read. Within one   Management, which equipped GOLD with a trade kitchen   free temporary accommodation at government hospitals for
 kits during disaster relief operations, for example, which has   trip, we were able to set up six libraries, donating over 6,000   so young adults can train in-house and develop the baking   family members who are accompanying patients receiving
 given our volunteers opportunities to interact with the   books and impacting more than 900 children.  business at GOLD o ce itself. Sunway also helps by   treatment there.
 bene ciaries.  e mission's goal of “being there whenever   advocating and connecting
 there is a need" is thus achieved.  Over 2022 and 2023, we have impacted 14,000 children   GOLD with its vendors.   Typically, family members of patients from low-income groups
 through  e Book E ect collaboration with Sunway READ                     who travel from the outskirts or outstation cannot a ord
 When it comes to signi cant projects, the  rst one that comes   (Reading Enhances Aspiration and Drive) programme.  is   During the Sunway   to commute regularly or to pay for accommodation near the
 to mind is donating groceries to about 900 people living with   includes building libraries in schools, orphanages, refugee   University Cultural Exchange   hospitals for hospital treatment. Opting to stay at the surau,
 HIV, furnished by the Malaysian AIDS Foundation. Sunway's   schools, community centres and hospitals.  Programme, GOLD was   or along the hospital corridors, poses a safety risk to them.
 vision of no one left behind truly re ects this deed; the recipients   invited to share information
 were appreciative of the aid given during these trying times.   Because of Sunway's commitment to sustainability and social   about our operations.   Supported by the Ministry of Health, YKN as well as
 responsibility, we know that we can rely on them not just for   Sunway has also ordered   contributions from Sunway and other corporations, Anjung
 Another signi cant programme is the  ood relief operations    nancial support but also to provide volunteers and books.   our GOLD Kindness cookies   Kasih YKN helps the needy to save on transportation and
 which brought comfort to the victims, providing a ected   Sunway also actively stays involved behind the scenes while   as corporate gifts and   accommodation costs, alleviating their  nancial burden. It also
 households with hygiene kits containing essential toiletries,   bringing a lot of heart and care to the table.   hampers for their corporate   bene ts government hospitals by preventing overcrowding in the
 among others.  functions such as buka puasa                              wards and protecting patients from exposure to infection risks.
 Many corporates tend to write a cheque and that is it. With   events.  anks to Sunway’s
 Sunway’s strength lies in the ease of planning and conducting   Sunway, the commitment does not just end when the cheque   relentless support, GOLD  Sunway also supports YKN’s food basket programme, which
 with the sole aim of making sure the aid reaches the desired   clears, but goes deeper in ensuring that the libraries built are   is now able to operate   distributes groceries to Malaysians whose livelihoods have been
 person or population – the easy handling and productive   e ective and that the children are reading the books.   independently as a Social   disrupted by  nancial crises, to help them with their daily
 steps taken by the Sunway team ensures that the programme   Enterprise instead of  necessities and to carry on with their lives.
 is delivered as planned and the desired results achieved.  e   Sunway’s commitment to sustainability is commendable,  an NGO.
 line of communication between Sunway and MRCS is always   and we truly enjoy working with a company that is rooted
 open and issues – if any – are easily resolved with decisions   in meaningful change.
 promptly taken.

       AS OF 2023,
       285 YOUNG ADULTS


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