Page 11 - Berita-Sunway-Issue73
P. 11


                                                                                                As a result, it is not only tasty,
         ENTO: CRICKET IS THE NEW                                                               but extremely healthy and
                                                                                                sustainable without using any
        PROTEIN HOW DID ENTO BEGIN?                                   WHY IS IT IMPORTANT       processed ingredients. We have
                                                                                                also  adapted Entomeat  into
        After leaving my corporate legal career, I spent two          FOR YOU TO DO WHAT        other meat forms, such as
        months travelling North and South America and   Kevin Wu,     YOU DO?                   meatballs,  sausages, and  more.
        came across a street stall in Mexico City with fried   Ento Founder and CEO  It is necessary that we begin to   We are extremely proud of our
        cricket tacos on the menu. It is a traditional delicacy       transform insects into a more   products as it places Malaysia
        in the Oaxaca region of Mexico. Much to my                    common protein source to   on the map for being an
        delight, the tacos tasted like shrimps! I was so              provide healthier  and more   alternative protein producer.
        inspired that I started reading on insect-protein             sustainable protein for the planet.
        consumption as soon as I got back to my hotel room            Trivia:  cricket protein  contains
        and was extremely surprised to discover its                   three times more protein than
 Hand in hand with Sunway iLabs, a   nutritional and environmental  benefits. Much of   chicken, beef, lamb, and other
 veritable army of changemakers is   the research is backed by scientists and   traditional livestock, seven times
 transforming today’s farming and
 NEW GEN RISING  food production discourse so they will   about sustainable products and services, this felt like   more iron than kale, and four
        world-leading institutions. Having been passionate
                                                                      times more fibre than oatmeal. At
 no longer remain detrimental to
        the right fit for my next venture.  at very same
                                                                      Ento, we are striving to remove
 ecology, community, and the local
        year, I travelled across Asia to learn more about
                                                                      the stigma attached to insect
 economies they once served.
        insect-eating culture before starting Ento.
                                                                      protein by creating familiar, tasty,
                                                                      and healthy products.
 Sustainable food system is a vision that many individuals in a variety of capacities share and have been   SHARE WITH US AN EXAMPLE OF   HOW IS ENTOMEAT
 contributing to. Among them are promising start-ups like Tanalink and Ento who – with the help of   HOW TANALINK’S TECHNOLOGY IS   TRANSFORMING LIVES?
 technology and creative solutions – have taken bold steps toward rejuvenating our nation’s ecosystems   TRANSFORMING LIVES?
 while fostering long-term food and financial security. We spoke to them about the pleasure and good   Unlike traditional beef burgers,
 conscience of this new-age narrative and how they started this road to conviction.   Pre-Tanalink,  many  harvesters on  oil palm   Entomeat burgers have the
 plantations have no way of finding out how much                                                 superpower to save the planet.
 they would get paid until the mill released the                                                Insect farming requires 2,000x
 number of fruit bunches received. Given the                          WE ARE CURIOUS TO         less water, 12x less feed, 20x less
 TANALINK:  MONITORING   obscurity of their income and the discrepancy that   HEAR HOW YOUR     land and emit 2,000x fewer
 PLANTATIONS IN REAL TIME  may arise as the fruit bunches had to pass through   PRODUCTS ARE    greenhouse gases  compared to
 many hands on the way to the mill, they were
                                                                                                beef production. We are hoping
 naturally anxious. Our solution enables workers to                   CHANGING THE GAME.        to make changes on a more
 TANALINK IS STRIVING TO   automatically record the exact amount of fruit   TELL US MORE.       meaningful scale as we drive
 CHANGE THE GAME IN THE   Patrick Martinent,   bunches they cut throughout the day, know how   We have developed one of the   more awareness to our burger
 TROPICAL PLANTATION   Tanalink CEO   much they will  receive, and shorten  payment   world’s first Entomeat burger   patty over time.
 INDUSTRY. WHAT ARE THE   delays, improving their work satisfaction   patty, made of plant-based
 BIGGEST ISSUES AFFLICTING   TELL US MORE ABOUT THE SOLUTION.   eventually.  ingredients and powered by Ento   Shop Ento at
 THESE ESTATES RIGHT NOW?  HOW DOES IT WORK?                          cricket protein.
  e more I learn about tropical   Because of their out-of-network locations, it was previously
 plantations, the more I am   impossible  for managers of most tropical plantations to   SPECIAL HIGHLIGHTS
 convinced of the severity of the   monitor their operations throughout the day. At Tanalink,
 problem Tanalink is trying to solve.   we are changing this through a precision agriculture data   Also check out these Sunway iLabs’ collaborators furthering the conversation of farm and food.
  e yield from these estates – palm   collection and management platform, built to capture
 oil, rubber, coffee, etc – are found in   operations in near real time. In doing so, we are giving
 most food and products  in the   off-grid plantations the data they need to optimise their   Spargoeats prides itself as a different   Even the best ideas can stumble if they are not
 world. Yet, there are so many gaps   operations, reduce crop loss, avert human-animal conflict,   kind of kitchen: one that is building a   accompanied by a foundation of industry
 on the ground that cause preventable   and improve worker conditions. We are currently working to   greater transparency and tech-enabled   knowledge  or  experience,  which  is  what
 crop losses, unnecessary soil   tailor our platform for cooperatives and  organisations who   WHAT DO YOU LIKE THE MOST ABOUT   efficiency in how it is serving food to   non-profit  ought for Food (TFF) aims to
 degradation, and ultimately the   support smallholder farmers, which will help to minimise the   WHAT YOU DO?  customers – and not just any food but “real” food. Opened to reveal   provide. Incubator and accelerator such as TFF
 broadening of the industry’s climate   risk and chances of these farmers encroaching on conserved   a generous pile of arrestingly beautiful fresh, seasonal ingredients –   are part of a growing worldwide movement that is
 footprint. Globally, inefficient   forest land when planting new crops.  We are on a mission to alleviate the anxiety of   some of them sourced directly from Sunway XFarms – rice and salad   catalysing  change  at  the local scale.  From strategic  workshops to
 operations  have  incurred  annual   plantation workers and management alike, pushing the   bowls are a highlight of Spargoeats’ menu.  e wholesome offerings   mentorship and networking, TFF amplifies small-scale entrepreneurial
 crop  losses  of  over  USD1  billion.   boundaries of technologies to solve huge problems and   nudge people towards not only good health but food sovereignty   solutions specific to food insecurity and agricultural predicaments laid
 With our solution, we are addressing   achieve what has never been done before. Pushing   too, that is the ability to grow one’s own food or at least understand   bare by rapid urbanisation. Cultivating a global community of more than
 so much  more than the  industry’s   through rounds of prototypes to deliver a solution that   where it comes from, laying out a simple charter of actions for the   30,000 young leaders from over 175 countries, it allows small businesses
 bottom line: by restoring a new   serves the needs of customers could be frustrating   ecological eaters and empowering all to eat well.   and ventures to connect and collaborate for greater change. So far, TFF
 intimacy between planters and their   sometimes, but seeing the aha moments as that anxiety   has helped launch more than 60 ventures that have collectively raised
 land, we are giving them the power   disappears at the end of the day is extremely rewarding.  Order Spargoeats on AirAsia Food, Foodpanda or Grab.  RM200 million in funding since its founding.
 to reduce yield gap with lesser
 resources and lowering their carbon   Learn more about Tanalink at  Learn more about TFF at
 footprint in the process.
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