Page 19 - Berita Sunway - Issue 76
P. 19



 TAKE  Fli ht  ENGIE-NEERING                                                            Green Energy     Carbon Future
                                                                                                          Net Zero
        COOLING                                                                                             District

                                                         SOLUTIONS                                        Cooling Systems

                  Energy-e cient buildings play a major role in advancing the   Committed  to Sunway’s  net zero  carbon emissions  goal by
                  global transition towards net zero carbon emissions, given the   2050, Sunway Property has recently partnered with ENGIE
                  large carbon footprint of buildings.                    Services  Malaysia  Sdn  Bhd  to  build and  operate  a  district
                                                                          cooling system for its new integrated waterfront lifestyle hub,
                  Buildings contribute up to 40% of the global energy     Sunway South Quay Commercial Precinct 2 (CP2).
 Sustainability goes beyond  greening the planet  – it also   consumption and about one-third of global greenhouse gas
 means promoting sustained and inclusive economic growth,   emissions.    In July, both parties entered into a Build, Own, Operate and
 productive employment, as well as decent work for all,                   Transfer  (BOOT) Agreement  through ENGIE-SUNWAY
 according to  the United  Nations  Sustainable Development   As such, incorporating energy e ciency into the built   DCS Sdn Bhd, a 40%-owned subsidiary of Sunway SK Sdn
 Goals (UN-SDGs).   As Sunway’s preferred   environment has become the imperative for countries such as   Bhd that is fully-owned by Sunway Construction Group Bhd.
 air service, MAS’s   Malaysia to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.
 Aiming to catalyse economic growth in Malaysia, Sunway has   tour operating arm -   Under the agreement, ENGIE- SUNWAY will implement the
 signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with   MHholidays, digital   One key way that buildings can achieve energy e ciency is via   district cooling system at the mixed development for 25 years.
 Malaysia Aviation Group (MAG), the holding company for   student travel   the use of district cooling systems, which are necessary to
 Malaysia Airlines (MAS), Fire y and MASwings – the nation’s   programme -   operate air-conditioning in buildings.  ENGIE’s cooling system at Sunway South Quay CP2 will
 top commercial air services, as well as travel and lifestyle online   MHexplorer as well   help lower both carbon emissions and operating costs, saving
 portal Journify.  as travel and lifestyle   By producing chilled water centrally for distribution to nearby   close to 20% energy and carbon dioxide emissions on its
 loyalty programme -   facilities via a network of insulated pipes, district cooling   air-conditioning needs.
 Following this agreement, Sunway can now leverage MAS’s   Enrich are similarly   systems present a sustainable and energy-e cient alternative to
 tour operating arm – MHholidays, digital student travel   accessible.  having separate chiller buildings.   is contributes to furthering both Sunway’s and Malaysia’s
 programme – MHexplorer as well as travel and lifestyle loyalty           net zero ambitions.
 programme – Enrich.
 GREENER WAY TO FLY                                                            " e key to accelerating urban transformations and
 MAG  and Sunway  will also o er  curated  medical tourism                     implementing successful solutions for environmental
 packages and air travel promotions for customers requiring  Recognising the importance of strategic collaborations with sustainable partners, both parties   issues lies in collaborating with partners who have
 treatment  at  Sunway  Healthcare’s  facilities,  as well  as  have pledged to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050.   a great track record in implementing green energy
 developing local talent pool via student placements,                          solutions.”
 knowledge exchange e orts, joint-research projects and new  Implementation-wise, MAG has announced its plans to expand the use of sustainable aviation
 aviation programmes at Sunway educational institutions.  fuel (SAF) for passenger and cargo  ights of its subsidiaries between six months to one year.   Sunway is   As the Master Community Developer, Chong said
        Sunway is
        committed to                                                           Sunway is committed to reducing its carbon footprint
        committed to
 “Sunway Group is pleased to join hands with MAG to explore   e biofuel potentially reduces airlines’ exposure to fuel cost volatility and carbon emissions,   CHONG SAU MIN  through improved energy e ciency and integration of
        reducing its
 potential collaborative opportunities to rebuild and revitalise  while SAF feedstock production stimulates economic growth in developing countries. Using   reducing its   Senior executive   renewable energy sources.
        carbon footprint
 the tourism industry in Malaysia.  is partnership will focus  biomass as fuel also encourages improved waste management strategies.  carbon footprint   director of
 on  formulating  a  sustainable [economic] recovery  roadmap   through   Sunway Property   “With the worsening climate change, all societies need
        improved energy
 with subsidiaries of Sunway as well as that of MAG's, by  “ is is a momentous occasion for both brands, as we join forces to advance the lives of millions   improved energy   Central Region  to raise the bar quickly, and this joint venture proves
 restoring traveller con dence and stimulating demand as the  of people and businesses that were impacted by the pandemic in the  elds of aviation, property,   efficiency and   that Sunway is seriously committed to slowing down
        efficiency and
 country readily transitions to the endemic phase,” said  education, medical tourism and hospitality. Our collaboration with Sunway demonstrates how   integration of   the worst impacts of the impending crisis. We hope to
        integration of
 Sunway Property managing director and Sunway Group  organisations with shared values and goals can pave the way to accelerate industries and   renewable   lead by example, and to encourage many more
 executive director Sarena Cheah.  economic growth,” said MAG chief executive o cer Captain Izham Ismail.  energy sources.  commercial and industrial districts in Malaysia to
        energy sources.
                                                                               follow suit in racing towards a net zero carbon future.”
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