Page 13 - Berita Sunway - Issue 76
P. 13


           Three Sunway leaders share about how they are building a more sustainable future through their jobs.

                                                                          Center on Sustainable Development (JSC) and the UN-SDSN
                                     Imparting the ‘how’ of               is not just the ‘what’ but, more importantly, the ‘how’ – to allow
 Safe & Healthy   Organic                 sustainability                  the implementation of sustainability e orts in the most e ective
 Workplace  Cleaning                                                      ways,” she said.
                             From climate change, poverty and inequality to biodiversity loss  Instead of seeing the glass half empty – climate change
                             – these are some of the seemingly insurmountable sustainability  disruptions as a threat to Malaysia’s economic development –
 WHAT DOES  KAREN CHAND      global experts.                              develop potential economic opportunities.
                             challenges currently addressed by Karen Chand alongside  Chand’s team looks for the glass half full – analytical evidence to

 Research  United Nations Sustainable   Chand – who is currently the director of education studies at the  She credits Sunway – namely the Chairman’s commitment to
 Collaboration  Solar  Development Solutions   United  Nations  Sustainable  Development Solutions  Network  sustainability and the e orts to build sustainable cities – for
 Panels  Director of Education Studies  (UN-SDSN) – researches e ective implementation strategies on  inspiring her in her sustainability journey.
         Network (UN-SDSN)
 SUST  AINABILITY            Chand  is also involved in public awareness  programmes  on  Sustainable Development problems that serve the speci c needs
                             Education for Sustainable Development within the Malaysian
                                                                          “Previously, I was a mere concerned citizen. Now, I am an active
                             education system.
                                                                          participant in  nding, learning about and devising solutions to
                             sustainable development. “Awareness building among relevant  of our community. I am able to speak with authority on the
                             stakeholders is the primary step in achieving sustainability and subject and I do what I can to lead a sustainable lifestyle,”
                             net zero carbon emissions. What we impart at the Je rey Sachs  said Chand.

 Recycle  Waste                 Creating a safer and healthier            “We do not take ESG reporting as only numbers and
                                                                          disclosures; we take it as a win-win situation where we support
                                                                          sustainability through ESG reporting to meet the stakeholders'
                                                                          needs and use the same platform to improve our internal OHSE
                              e right to work in a safe and healthy work environment is a   management system,” she explained.
                             human right enshrined under the United Nations Universal  Syuhada’s team has established a gap analysis to understand
                             Declaration of Human Rights.                 Sunway’s position in OHSE compliance and to set future
                                                                          directions for the Group.
         NURUL SYUHADA       Ensuring employees have a safe and healthy workplace is part
            ABDULLAH         and parcel of Nurul Syuhada Abdullah’s job as an occupational  Working in Sunway, she said, has enlightened her that
            Sunway Group     safety, health and environment (OSHE) manager at Sunway.   sustainability covers social and governance factors too.
          Occupational Safety,
 Reforestation  EV Charging  Health and Environment   Syuhada coordinates and centralises OHSE through training  “I also learnt that companies can play a proactive part in leading
 Bays      (OSHE) Manager    and  development  programmes, ensuring  legal compliance  the ESG e ort, not only relying on the government to initiate
                             through auditing and promoting continual improvement at the  the change,” she said.
                             Group level, while ensuring surrounding areas of operation
                             remain safe for our communities as a whole.

                                                                          Sunway has been actively working towards addressing several
                                    Curbing excess without                key areas in sustainability.  ese include reducing food waste,
                                     compromising quality                 phasing out single-use plastic, eliminating paper usage, using
                                                                          electricity and water more e ciently, as well as opting for
                                                                          organic cleaning products to avoid harmful chemical discharge.
                              e idea of a luxurious hotel stay is often steeped in excess –
 When it comes to sustainability –   fresh linen daily and abundant bu et spreads, among others.   e Group has also partnered with Ecolab to utilise its
                                                                          commercial cleaning products that are certi ed by the US
 everyone can make a dierence  KELLY LEONG  Maintaining this delicate balance of exceeding guest  Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
                             expectations without forgoing sustainability is all in a day’s work
        Sunway Hotels & Resorts   for Kelly Leong, the senior general manager of Sunway Hotels &  “ e need for sustainable practices as pillars to attain net zero
         Senior General Manager   Resorts’ hospitality division.          carbon emission is extremely critical and the present situation of
         of Hospitality Division                                          global warming is truly a wake-up call to act. I’m glad that
                             Besides keeping guests happy, Leong is responsible for the  Sunway, as a local conglomerate, has taken serious and
                             hotels’ operational e ciencies, managing both employees and  meaningful steps to contribute towards the global goal of
                             stakeholders, hotels’ pro tability, as well as upholding industry  achieving net zero carbon emissions. I’m proud to be a part of,
                             best practices as de ned by the United Nations Sustainable  and aligned with, such aspirations,” shared Leong.
                             Development Goals (UN-SDGs).
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