COVID-19 Memes that will Bring a Smile Underneath that Mask
The rise of the COVID-19 Pandemic has led to the government initiating a Movement Control Order (MCO). Let’s look at some memes that may relate to what we are going through during this period of time!
It has been over a week since the Movement Control Order (MCO), and needless to say we have been through a lot (by ironically, doing very little).
But even in times of uncertainty, there is always some joy and laughter that can come out of this, and one of the best ways is through memes! We hope these memes can foster a sense of togetherness and solidarity amongst the Sunway family and Malaysians alike!
In order to celebrate this momentous one-week MCO achievement, here are some memes that you may find relatable in this stay-at-home period. So without further ado, let’s begin!

Source: Dadsaysjokes
An MCO is supposed to contain the COVID-19 situation and “flatten the curve” by restricting movements of people, which by proxy stops the movement and infection rate of the virus. However, during the first few days of the MCO, we may have been frustrated seeing news of people breaking the MCO, especially for those who have decided to “balik kampung” (Please, stay at home, people!)
The plea for all to stay home was visible at prominent areas throughout the nation. And this is probably how our Prime Minister reacted after having to beg people to stay home!

Source: MGAG
So let’s get serious, please stay at home! Go out only if you need to buy essential items! The last thing we want is for this next meme to come true.

Source: Men’s Humour
Besides that, we have also seen viral posts online where supermarkets’ and chain stores’ shelves have been cleared out. So here’s a throwback post to when things were good.

Source: Men’s Humour

Source: Men’s Humour

Source: MGAG
In all seriousness, excessive buying should not be tolerated. We at Sunway would like to encourage thoughtfulness and understanding to those who do not have enough. Please leave some supplies for others and buy only what you need.
In addition, the MCO has posed one of the biggest problems – no weekday or weekend hangouts. Thus, boredom sets in. Many turn to social media to find creative ways to entertain themselves with their friends and families.

Source: ruanfanwang
With Instagram users tagging their friends and families to draw carrots, Pokémon’s, and any random object under the sun.
And some have found creative ways to entertain themselves while being alone.
And through tweets and Facebook posts, the Covid-19 has exposed the introverts from the extroverts based on some of the reactions.

Source: MGAG
Of course, we can’t forget our football lovers who are lacking their dose of action on the weekends! We feel you, peeps!

Source: Sportsbible
Most of all, our hearts go out to those whose birthdays fall in March! (No worries, we’ll celebrate your birthday virtually!)

Source: Men’s Humour
Though there have been a few good things that came out of this ordeal – the Earth is somewhat healing due to the decrease in traffic and pollution generation. #Sustainability
And that’s not the only heartwarming thing that came out of all this, pets are glad that their owners are able to spend more time with them.

Source: Men’s Humour
Despite all the memes that are produced because of COVID-19, we hope that during this MCO period, we may be able to reflect on ourselves and understand the things that we have taken for granted. This period has probably allowed us to spend more time with our loved ones, given us more time to do the things we just didn’t have time for, and even spend quality ‘me’ time.
Sunway stands in solidarity with those who are affected by the COVID-19 virus, and from the bottom of our hearts, we thank all our colleagues on the front lines who have put their lives on the line in this difficult time.

Source: MGAG
And last but not least, stay responsible, stay safe and stay at home!

Source: UncleDons